Author Archive | Robin Bragg

Floor Framing Repair in Milwaukie, Oregon… Wood Boring Beetles, Carpenter Ants, and Dry Rot Oh My

In the Pacific Northwest, the damage to your home from the elements and pests cannot be underestimated. This Milwaukie, Oregon home had extensive damage from Wood Boring beetles, Carpenter Ants, and Dry Rot — this trifecta caused extensive home exterior damage. Bragg Construction arrived on the scene to completely reconstruct one entire end of the house after it had dropped approximately 2 inches due to the hollowed floor joists.

Removal of damaged home exterior material from Milwaukie, Oregon home with damage from Wood Boring Beetles, Carpenter Ants, and Dry Rot by Bragg Construction

Removal of damaged home exterior material from Milwaukie, Oregon home with damage from Wood Boring Beetles, Carpenter Ants, and Dry Rot by Bragg Construction

Inspection, Damage Assessment, and Identification of the Villains:

The home was a one-level ranch house with a brick facade with faulty drip flashing. To understand more about the downward spiral of water damage please read this previous blog post. Encouraged by the intrusion of water, some villainous insects had clearly caused damage. Research was done to determine the presence of both Carpenter Ants and Wood Boring Beetles. To learn more about Wood Boring Beetles please check out the OSU insect identification page.

A view of the home exterior damage caused by failed flashing between the home siding and brick facade and faulty roofing allowed water to enter the home's frame

A view of the home exterior damage caused by failed flashing between the home siding and brick facade and faulty roofing allowed water to enter the home’s frame

Navigating the crawl space and inspecting the floor framing, we determined at least 6 floor joist were nearly completely hollowed. A pocket-knife went through a 2 inch thick timber, wood powder came raining down, and it was time to remove the exterior siding to get started with the replacement of the floor timbers!

Home exterior view of damage caused by dry rot, Carpenter Ants, and Wood Boring Beetles

Home exterior view of damage caused by dry rot, Carpenter Ants, and Wood Boring Beetles

Jacking the house up

Notice the 3 wall jacks that were neaded to lift the hosue 2 inches

Removing the joists

Bragg Construction jacked the house up in order to remove the joists. Again, the Boring Beetles had done extensive damage, notice all of the holes in the joists.

Close-up of wood with Wood Boring Beetles exist holes in fir floor joist.

Close-up of wood with Wood Boring Beetles exist holes in fir floor joist.

The core of the wood was hollow. The exterminator came in prior to Bragg Construction coming in to do the repairs.

Wood Boring Beetle Damage to Floor Joists

Wood Boring Beetle Damage to Floor Joists

Shreds and powder are all that remains of this floor joist removed due to Wood Boring Beetle damage.

Shreds and powder are all that remains of this floor joist removed due to Wood Boring Beetle damage.


New sill plate and Joists

Bragg Construction inserted 4 full length 12′ floor joists.

View of the 4 new 12' lumber floor joists.

View of the 4 new 12′ lumber floor joists.

Straight on view of the new sill plate and floor joists

Rim Band Put in Place For Completion

Rim band goes into place to complete the repair.

Rim band goes into place to complete the repair.

Historic Home Repair Dry Rot Damaged a Portland, Oregon Home in the Alameda Neighborhood

This beautiful home in Portland’s Alameda neighborhood had a knee brace fall off due to poor attachment and dry rot. The pieces that fell weren’t badly rotted so they did not need to be rebuilt, only reattached. Here is the process of historic home repair as performed by Bragg Construction and Remodeling.

Historic home repair for a beautiful home in Portland's Historic Alameda Neighborhood

Beautiful home in Portland’s Historic Alameda Neighborhood.

Elaborate Architectural Details on this Historic Home

A knee brace holds up the edge of the roof.  (The dark green things).  The wide board here is known as a “barge board”   Notice the beautiful detailing!

Wonderful architectural details on this Historic home in Portland's Alameda neighborhood

Wonderful architectural details on this Historic home in Portland’s Alameda neighborhood.

Ladder Up to the Porch Roof

Notice the missing knee brace, upper right corner of photo.

Bragg Construction sets up ladder to get to the dry rot portion above the porch roof

Bragg Construction sets up ladder to get to the dry rot portion above the porch roof.

Scaffolding Setup for Working Safely and Efficiently

Bragg Construction and Remodeling creates safe work platforms for efficient working.

Scaffolding set up with adjustable feet on sloped porch roof

Scaffolding set up with adjustable feet on sloped porch roof.

Scaffolding Helps to Hold Knee Brace in Place

The diagonal part of the knee brace has been drilled and glued ready to lift into position.

Scaffolding is used to assist in holding the knee brace.

Scaffolding is used to assist in holding the knee brace.

Scaffolding Helps in a Multitude of Ways

The scaffolding holds the craftsman, tools and provides a platform for the house jack.  A one inch lift is accomplished so that the restoration is Perfect.

Scaffolding is helping in many ways

Scaffolding is helping in many ways

The diagonal portion of the knee brace is placed and ready for the roof to be lifted.

The diagonal portion of the knee brace is placed and ready for the roof to be lifted.


What are we doing with the Bungie Cord?

The carpenter makes the final lift while attaching with long screws and glue.  The bungie simply provides a “helping hand”.

Diagonal brace is temporarily held by the scaffolding and the bungie

Diagonal brace is temporarily held up by the scaffolding and the bungie.

The knee brace is repaired, caulked, and ready for paint

All that is needed now is painting and regular maintenance.
Repaired right knee brace, caulked and ready for paint!Repaired right knee brace, caulked and ready for paint!

Historic Home Repair… The house is healed!

Historic home preservation takes care and skill.

Wonderful architectural details on this Historic home in Portland's Alameda neighborhood

Wonderful architectural details on this Historic home in Portland’s Alameda neighborhood.

Stone Fireplace Installation by Bragg Construction and Remodeling

Bragg Construction and Remodeling builds beautiful stone fireplaces.  This stone fireplace installation project has several parts:  The stone wall surround, A Granite hearth stone, A Fir wood mantle, and a slate floor.  Here is how it is done:

Stone and granite fireplace with fir mantle custom build by Bragg Construction and Remodeling

Stone and granite fireplace with fir mantle custom build


The cement floor is cleaned and prepped with an isolation barrier.  The corner layout is established with a compass.

Making way for the hearth by prepping cement floor

Making way for the hearth by prepping cement floor


Framing material is installed with glue and nails.  See the laser line on the wall?

Hearth framing and installation tools

Hearth framing and installation tools


Bender board establishes the front edge.

Continuation of hearth framing with Bender board

Continuation of hearth framing with Bender board


Plywood is cut as a base to granite hearth stone.

Plywood base for hearth and fireplace by Bragg Construction

Plywood base for hearth


Granite hearth stone is fitted.

Granite hearthstone install

Granite hearthstone install


Wall surround and Fir wood mantle is installed.

The granite hearth is protected by padding as the fir mantle is built and installed

The granite hearth is protected by padding as the fir mantle is built and installed


Slate floor is installed.

Slate floor is professionally installed right up to the hearth

Slate floor is professionally installed right up to the hearth

After flooring installation, Slate floor is sealed with silicone sealer for protection.

Silicone sealer is used to protect the slate flooring from damage

Silicone sealer is used to protect the slate flooring from damage.

All four parts of this project come together -the stone surround, the granite hearth, the fir wood mantle, and the slate floor.

Slate floor after being sealed with silicone sealant

Slate floor after being sealed with silicone sealant


The stove is installed and project gets final cleaning. This is a great project for the fall as the weather changes and the thought of a winter fireplace comes calling. This project took about 2 weeks. Bragg Construction and Remodeling guided the clients through the material choices for this project as it is important that the right materials are used at each stage of the build. Now this Portland, Oregon home is ready for the winter with their new stone fireplace installation.

Stone and granite fireplace with fir mantle custom build by Bragg Construction and Remodeling

Stone and granite fireplace with fir mantle custom build







Professional tile and laminate flooring installation in Milwaukie, Oregon

Bragg Construction and Remodeling has been providing professional Tile flooring installations for over 30 years.  The old vinyl floor was removed.  The dry rot and carpenter ant damage were repaired, (and exterminated).  New cement board has been glued and nailed to the repaired sub floor.  The Tile flooring has been professionally installed.

Cement board subflooring ready for tile

Cement board subflooring ready for tile

Properly undercutting a door jam and casing

A piece of the tile and 2 paint sticks help to determine the thickness of the finished floor.  The tile acts as a spacer and a guide, the paint sticks allow for the thickness of the cement adhesive.

Undercutting a door jam and casing to make room for tile

Undercutting a door jam and casing to make room for tile

Properly make height adjustment to allow room for mortor:

The under cut is complete, the tile is cut, time to check the fit.

Spacing sticks make room for mortor for correct casing cutting

Spacing sticks make room for mortor for correct casing cutting

Confirm fit of properly notched tile to slide under the casing:

The tile is cut and “dry fit” to be sure that it will easily slide under the jamb and casing.

Properly cut tile slides under door jam

Properly cut tile slides under door jam

One Final Tile to be Cut and Set:

Here is the other side of the door and the final tile will be cut and set in mortor.

Cement board, embedded metal transition piece, ready for last piece of tile and grout

Cement board, embedded metal transition piece, ready for last piece of tile

Cement Board Ready for Tile Setting

Cement board, glued and nailed, fiberglass mesh tape on the seams,  pencil guide lines, ready to set tile.

Cement board subflooring ready for tile

Cement board sub flooring ready for tile  (1)

The Finish Tile Floor

The tile floor is completed with motor and silicone sealer.

Completely finished tile floor in kitchen

Completely finished tile floor in kitchen that is waterproof and indestructible which is always a good recommendation for a kitchen or bath

Turning to the Laminate Floor in the Living Room:

The kitchen got a new tile floor and the living room got a new laminate floor.


Continuation of laminate flooring installation in Mailwaukie living room

Continuation of laminate flooring installation in Milwaukie living room

Repairing Carpenter Ant Damage and Dry Rot Repair in Milwaukie Oregon

Water damage causes dry rot. Dry rot is an invitation to Carpenter Ants. Once you’ve got Carpenter Ants eating away at your home you’ve got trouble. The downward spiral continues to feed the dry rot and colony of Carpenter Ants. Carpenter Ants can do thousands of dollars of damage to your home. They eat wood to make room to build their nests which weakens the structure of your home. You’ve got to remove the dry rot to get rid of the Carpenter Ants.

Floor Framing with Caprenter Ant in Milwaukie, Oregon Home

Floor Framing with Caprenter Ants in Milwaukie, Oregon Home

Remove the finished flooring:

  One of the most common places for dry rot to start in your home is near Kitchen and Bathroom fixtures.  Often a very small leak will begin the downward spiral.

Reveal the subfloor to determine the extent of damage:

    The only good news about dry rot and Carpenter ant damage is the opportunity to get a new floor.  In an older home it may already be time for a new floor so . .  let the work begin.  First the old floor must be removed to expose the sub floor and the extent of the damage.  This project had an ugly vinyl floor with a chip board, (particle board sub floor).

Removal of Subfloor revealing Carpenter Ant damage

Removal of Subfloor revealing Carpenter Ant damage

Remove the damaged framing:

Another bit of good news on this project is that the carpenter and and dry rot damage was only about 2 square feet.  Since this was an active nest an exterminator was brought in to destroy the ants.

Damaged subfloor removed and ready for repair

Damaged subfloor removed and ready for repair

Replace the subflooring:

  Bragg Construction and Remodeling builds Tile floors to last.  Tile Floors are very durable if built on top of a cement sub floor.  We glue the cement floor to the sub floor and nail with ring shank nails.  Notice the pencil lines with a suggested lay out for the 1 x 2 tiles.

Cement board subflooring ready for tile

Cement board subflooring ready for tile

Install a new flooring:

The skills of the Master carpenter are also useful in the installation of tile.  Notice the professional product:  Undercut door jambs and casings, Good layout, and Straight lines make for a professional installation.

Completely finished tile floor in kitchen

Completely finished tile floor in kitchen

The finished Product:

   The best choice for Laundry rooms, bathrooms and some kitchens is a quality, professionally installed, tile floor.

Dry rot repair for home exterior in Milwaukie, Oregon

Bragg Construction was recently called out to a home in Milwaukie, Oregon to repair dry rot and reside the home exterior. Upon arrival the dry rot was so severe that in was obvious that dry rot repair needed to be done before new siding could be installed and new paint could be applied. Faulty flashing around the chimney chase had allowed years of water intrusion to cause damage to the siding, sheathing, and framing.

Dry rot framing for the chimney chase to removed and replaced

Dry rot framing for the chimney chase to removed and replaced

dry rotted corner post removed from Milwaukie, Oregon home

Dry rotted corner post removed from Milwaukie, Oregon home

subfloor and sil plate framing with dry rot in need of removal

Subfloor and sil plate framing with dry rot in need of removal

Removal of siding and plywood wall sheathing:

This home had what is called by some as “double wall construction”.  What that means is that there is a layer of standard plywood on the outside of the wall studs.  Felt paper was then applied to the plywood “sheathing”.  Over the top of the tar paper a layer of cedar siding was applied.  ALL of these items were rotten and deteriorated and had to be removed.   About 6 wall studs had dry rot that must be removed.

Surgical removal of wall studs:

Dry rot is a fungus that destroys wood.  Dry rot must be removed and replaced.  Careful removal of wall studs, (which hold up the house), are removed and replaced a few at a time.  Knowing how a house is built is useful knowledge when disassembling and rebuilding.  A lot of dry rot removal is more than just surface repair.

surgical removing of dry rotted framing chimney chase

Surgical removal of dry rotted framing chimney chase

Rebuilding of the firebox surround:

Wall studs, top and bottom plate and even portions of the sub flooring are carved out in a logical and careful way and replaced.  New plywood sheathing is cut fitted and nailed.  A new “Improved vapor barrier” is installed.

rebuilding of dry rotted with sil plate, sub-flooring, and wall studs

Rebuilding of dry rotted with sil plate, sub-flooring, and wall studs

two wall studs, rebuilt base, and all the tools to remove dry rot

All of the tools to remove dry rot

Exterior siding installed:

This home is now ready for new siding and paint.  Cedar or cement siding are 2 good options for siding.  Both options will last a long time if properly maintained with caulking and Paint.

Chimney chase with new siding from top to bottom

Chimney chase with new siding from top to bottom

Finished home exterior painting and cleanup:

Bragg Construction and Remodeling does multi-trade projects.  On this home we repaired a large amount of dry rot, repaired framing, installed plywood sheathing, “improved Vapor barrier”, lap siding, caulking and paint. Dry rot repair is complete.

Window Removal and New Siding for Clackamas County Home

Bragg Construction was called out to a Milwaukie, Oregon home for window removal. The client was looking for more wall space for cabinets during their kitchen remodel which meant closing off and removing a window. After the window was removed, new wall studs were installed, insulation put in the wall, interior drywall was installed, exterior vapor barrier was inserted followed by new siding, new caulking, new painting and worksite cleanup — let us show you how it was done.

Window removal:

One piece of siding was carefully removed to determine if an exact match was available.  Once the match was found the material was ordered and put on stand by so that the install could be done with out hesitation.  The window was removed and set aside for donation.

Beginning of window removal project

Beginning of window removal project

New wall studs with insulation:

New wall studs, (2 x 4’s), were installed into the window opening, plywood sheathing was cut, fit and nailed to the exterior and insulation was fitted to the interior.

New wall studs in place after window removal

New wall studs in place after window removal

Interior drywall:

drywall was installed to the interior, taped, mud and plaster, ready for the cabinet install.

Exterior vapor barrier:

Modern “Improved Vapor Barrier” was installed over the plywood sheathing to prevent moisture intrusion.

Exterior vapor barrier to protect against water intrusion

Exterior vapor barrier to protect against water intrusion

New siding, new caulking, new painting:

The new siding was a nearly perfect match and not noticeable at just 3 feet back from the surface.  Precision caulking and 2 coats of paint finish the project to the complete satisfaction of the client.

New siding, new caulking, and new painting on home exterior

New siding, new caulking, and new painting on home exterior

Work site cleanup:

Bragg Construction and Remodeling of Clackamas Oregon cleans up after all projects.  We are skilled multi- trade craftsmen who take pride in our work and do not consider our work complete until the clean up is done.  We love our work and consider it a privilege to serve you.

If you have a window removal project, please consider contacting Bragg Construction and Remodeling at 503-341-0884.

Painting, Dry Rot Repair, Moss Removal, Gutter Replacement by Bragg Construction, Gladstone, Oregon

Painting, Roof cleaning and Gutter replacement,  Gladstone, Oregon

At this Gladstone home Bragg Construction completed exterior painting, roof cleaning, dry rot repair and gutter replacement.

Bragg Construction and Remodeling Serves Gladstone, Oregon to Portland, Oregon. Professional Carpenters and Craftsmen from Bragg Construction complete Exterior Painting, Dry Rot repair, Moss Removal and Gutter Replacement on this home in Gladstone, Oregon.  We have been serving the Portland area for over 30 years.  We are multi-trade,  job completion specialists.

Retired owner of the home Bob, watches every day and concludes that the Professionals from Bragg Construction and Remodeling are perfectionists.  We show up when scheduled, complete our work joyfully, and clean up after ourselves.  We love our work!

This home in Gladstone, Oregon needed a lot of work.  Fortunately it was mostly cosmetic.  There was moss on the roof,  worn out gutters, dry rot in the fascia boards, and the exterior paint was very tired.  Bragg Construction and Remodeling was able to complete all the work with His team of skilled Craftsmen.  We cleaned the moss off the roof.  We removed and recycled the old gutters.  Our Professional Carpenters fixed all the Dry Rot on the house siding and fascia boards.

The Painter thoroughly prepared the house for painting.  Scraping off the loose paint, caulking and filling nail holes.  Priming all the bare wood came next and then 2 coats of full acrylic latex paint.  The trim color was applied, including a third contrasting color for the front door.  The gutter man installed new gutters. The job site was cleaned up.

Attic Vent Lake Oswego, Oregon by Bragg Construction

Here is a project picture gallery of an attic Vent installation in Lake Oswego Oregon by Bragg Construction and Remodeling.  The home has real wood, cedar siding so a Professional Carpenter is a good person to call to get a quality completion.  The home has a tile roof with no other ventilation.  This part of the house is called a “gable end”.  It is the triangular part of the house related to the roof.  This roof was not too steep.  The rubber feet of the platform ladder held nicely on the tile roof.  In addition to a tape and pencil, can you see the seven main tools used to complete this project?  The ladder was very helpful as was the lay out stick we created.  First we drilled a pilot hole and verified a clear location inside the attic.  Next we used tape, pencil, level and lay out stick to mark the location of the hole and trim.


Some of the professional tools needed to layout and cut the exterior siding.


Close up of layout out lines with a pilot hole in the center.

The cedar siding had minimal framing on the back side so we chose a circular saw for the primary cuts.  A reciprocating saw would have shaken the thin cedar siding to bits.  In the corners we used a great little surgical saw called a multi-master.  (This saw enables you to cut square corners, something you cannot do with a round blade in a circular saw).  After cutting the hole in the siding we added some backing to the cedar siding.


Marking the location of the vent cutout.


Exterior siding cut away to make way for attic vent.

The trim was built with a  5/4 x 4″ clear, kiln dried, cedar with a rough sawn finish to match the cedar siding on the house.  Notice the picture on the ground.  We protect the driveway from over spray and prime all the end cuts before assembly  This is standard practice every time we work with exterior cedar siding or trim.  We fastened the trim material to the wall surrounding the vent with stainless steel nails and screws.  The finished vent was painted with 2 coats of full acrylic latex paint.  The trim paint is just 1 shade darker than the body.


Kiln dried clear cedar trim for the home’s exterior.


Finished vent with primed and painting trim.

We are able to add attic vents to your roof or Gable end siding.  Call a Professional to get your job done right.  Here is a close up of the finished product.

close-up of finsihed attic vent added to Lake Oswego home

Attic vent (closeup)

Drywall Repair, Ceiling and Framing by Bragg Construction, Portland, Oregon

Professional Carpenters at Bragg Construction and Remodeling complete Drywall Repair and Framing of a ceiling in Portland, Oregon.  Plastering, Texturing and Painting complete the project.  The attic of the house was wide open to the hall of the home resulting in heat loss. Bragg Construction and Remodeling provides Professional Carpenters and Craftsmen able to complete Frame and Finish Carpentry.  We are also highly skilled at Drywall, Plastering and Painting.  Adding the Framing and Drywall to the Ceiling made the room both beautiful and energy efficient.  We protect our work area with tarps and masking. We always clean up after ourselves.

ceiling framing portland oregon

Bragg Construction crated a cleanly framed ceiling to hang the new drywall from.


Newly hung drywall with mesh tape ready for plastering.

Here is a picture of the Ceiling Framing being added to close off the attic.  A lazar level is used to strike a level line completely around the room.  A “ledger” board is installed on both sides of the hall way.  Then the ceiling joists are carefully fitted  and spaced two feet apart.  The Framing is not spanning a very wide hall so 2 x 4 framing is plenty strong and there is ample room in the attic to add insulation.

Here is a picture of the drywall being installed.  Since the hall was three feet wide by 16 feet long we used a 12′ piece of 5/8″ cut into 3′ pieces and turned them perpendicular to the hall.  This method made the ceiling easier to hang, easier to plaster and created less waste.  Yellow mesh tape was added to the seams, fast drying plaster was applied on the seams and corners.

Two coats of “Topping Plaster” are applied, ceiling texture, primer, sealer and 2 coats of paint.  Bragg Construction and Remodeling Provides Professional Craftsmen who are highly skilled at smooth plastering, quality painting and matching textures.  We get your job done quickly efficiently and clean up after ourselves.  Call us today for all your Remodeling needs.  (503) 341-0884