Drywall, Plaster Repair, Baseboard and Painting in Lake Oswego, Oregon by Bragg Construction

Here is a Drywall, Plastering, Base Board Installation and Painting project in Lake Oswego, Oregon.  We have been serving Lake Oswego, Oregon for more than 30 years.  This project is a perfect example of the multi-trade skills of Bragg Construction and Remodeling.  This project needed a Professional Carpenter for the baseboard and trim installation.  An expert Plaster Applicator was needed to repair the drywall, skim the topping plaster and create a perfectly smooth wall.  A Talented Painter was also needed to complete the priming and painting of the “pop corn” ceilings, walls and wood trim.  Bragg Construction and Remodeling provided Professional Carpentry, Professional Drywall Repair and Professional Painting necessary to complete this Home office remodel.

Removal of the loose plaster and Paint are shown here in the first two photos. We provide a dust free environment while working by meticulously covering the floors, cleaning up as the job progresses, and wearing booties or slip on shoes.

Removal of loose water-damaged plaster

Removal of loose water-damaged plaster

Drywall Repair, remove loose paint, wash and seal

Drywall Repair, remove loose paint, wash and seal

A distinctive thing we provide on our dusty remodeling jobs is a whole house Air scrubbing system.  The air scrubber machine has a HEPA filter to clean the air in your home as we work.   Here is a picture of the machine on a tile job completed for a local pet store and dog day care.  The customer wanted to see if it was working so he ran his hand across the pre filter, (notice the finger stripes across the pre filter).  This machine will filter the air in an average home 3 to 5 times a day.  We include this in all our remodeling jobs.

The next 2 pictures show the completed Drywall Patch.  The Patch is flat and smooth.  The “pop corn” ceiling has been painted with 2 coats of paint the patch has been primed and then painted with 2 wall coats.  The first picture shows all the parts of the process and the second picture shows all steps completed.

Drywall Repair, Skim, Sand, Prime, Paint

Drywall Repair that has been skimmed, sanded, and primed

Drywall repair and Painting finished

Drywall repair with finished painting.

The final two pictures show a couple views of the finished home office remodel including new carpet, new base board, drywall, plaster repair, freshly painted ceiling, walls, and trim.  Wouldn’t you like to work in a newly remodeled office?  Call today, We would love to serve you.

Paint ceiling, walls and trim home office

Painted ceiling, walls and trim home office in completed.

Base board install, plaster repair, prime and paint ceilings, walls and trim

The completed home office with new carpet, baseboards, plaster repair, primed and painted ceilings, walls and trim.