Painting, Dry Rot Repair, Moss Removal, Gutter Replacement by Bragg Construction, Gladstone, Oregon

Painting, Roof cleaning and Gutter replacement,  Gladstone, Oregon

At this Gladstone home Bragg Construction completed exterior painting, roof cleaning, dry rot repair and gutter replacement.

Bragg Construction and Remodeling Serves Gladstone, Oregon to Portland, Oregon. Professional Carpenters and Craftsmen from Bragg Construction complete Exterior Painting, Dry Rot repair, Moss Removal and Gutter Replacement on this home in Gladstone, Oregon.  We have been serving the Portland area for over 30 years.  We are multi-trade,  job completion specialists.

Retired owner of the home Bob, watches every day and concludes that the Professionals from Bragg Construction and Remodeling are perfectionists.  We show up when scheduled, complete our work joyfully, and clean up after ourselves.  We love our work!

This home in Gladstone, Oregon needed a lot of work.  Fortunately it was mostly cosmetic.  There was moss on the roof,  worn out gutters, dry rot in the fascia boards, and the exterior paint was very tired.  Bragg Construction and Remodeling was able to complete all the work with His team of skilled Craftsmen.  We cleaned the moss off the roof.  We removed and recycled the old gutters.  Our Professional Carpenters fixed all the Dry Rot on the house siding and fascia boards.

The Painter thoroughly prepared the house for painting.  Scraping off the loose paint, caulking and filling nail holes.  Priming all the bare wood came next and then 2 coats of full acrylic latex paint.  The trim color was applied, including a third contrasting color for the front door.  The gutter man installed new gutters. The job site was cleaned up.