Bragg Construction and Remodeling has been providing professional Tile flooring installations for over 30 years. The old vinyl floor was removed. The dry rot and carpenter ant damage were repaired, (and exterminated). New cement board has been glued and nailed to the repaired sub floor. The Tile flooring has been professionally installed.

Cement board subflooring ready for tile
Properly undercutting a door jam and casing
A piece of the tile and 2 paint sticks help to determine the thickness of the finished floor. The tile acts as a spacer and a guide, the paint sticks allow for the thickness of the cement adhesive.
Properly make height adjustment to allow room for mortor:
The under cut is complete, the tile is cut, time to check the fit.
Confirm fit of properly notched tile to slide under the casing:
The tile is cut and “dry fit” to be sure that it will easily slide under the jamb and casing.
One Final Tile to be Cut and Set:
Here is the other side of the door and the final tile will be cut and set in mortor.
Cement Board Ready for Tile Setting
Cement board, glued and nailed, fiberglass mesh tape on the seams, pencil guide lines, ready to set tile.
The Finish Tile Floor
The tile floor is completed with motor and silicone sealer.

Completely finished tile floor in kitchen that is waterproof and indestructible which is always a good recommendation for a kitchen or bath
Turning to the Laminate Floor in the Living Room:
The kitchen got a new tile floor and the living room got a new laminate floor.